Morning Mana'o
The goal of this podcast is to inspire and motivate us to live with greater Aloha. Not sure what Aloha means? Take a deep dive into this profound word with creator and host, Luana Kawaʻa as she shares her life experiences as a native Hawaiian wife, mother, grandmother, and educator. Searching for peace and purpose in your life? Need a little extra boost? Striving to be a little better each day? Take a breath of aloha here, each day on the Morning Mana'o Podcast! ... Subscribe, leave a review, and share the podcast on social media and with your family and friends. Follow along on Instagram @morningmanao and Facebook. For more information and to work with me, go to luanakawaa.com.
Morning Mana'o
Season 3: Episode 3 - Choose Your Word, Change Your Mindset
We have all heard the saying, "Choose your words wisely". In this episode, I am inviting you to choose just ONE word and use the power of the spoken word to change your mindset and live with greater aloha. Start this New Year by choosing your word, creating simple goals, and developing a positive mindset. You can read about this episode on the Breath of Aloha Blog, a companion to this podcast. Follow Morning Manaʻo on Instagram and Facebook for daily updates and visit luanakawaa.com. Donʻt forget to Subscribe, Like, and help me Share these lessons of aloha. - Luana